A8 Manager

Editor for Rossum Electro-Music Assimil8or

<- Download (v2.4.4) ->

Windows screenshot
Assimil8or Module
OSX screenshot

A8Manager is a Preset Editor for the Rossum Electro-Music Assimil8or, an 8 channel sampler for Eurorack.

  • Open source and cross platform (Windows and OSX)
  • Edit Presets from SD Card
  • Drag and drop multiple samples
  • Audition raw samples to adjust loop points
  • Validate file system contents and offer fixes for common problems (file name length, valid file name characters, etc)
  • v2.4.4 - Bug fixes and a few new things
    • Fixed incorrect Preset Id bug when pasting Preset in the Preset Browser
    • Fixed bug when deleting Preset in the Preset Browser, Editor was not cleared
    • Added Default and Revert to the Preset TOOLS Menu
    • Updated dialog text informing that you will loose your edits if you don't save
  • v2.4.3 - Bug fix where converting stereo audio files were being converted to mono
  • v2.4.2 - Bug fix for crash when dragging more than 8 samples into a Zone
  • v2.4.1 - Editor updates and other cool stuff
    • Ctrl-drag for slider type value change
    • Right-click edit menu per control
      • Clone
      • Default (set parameter to default)
      • Revert (set parameter to unedited value)
    • Full waveform view with moveable markers
    • Copy/paste zone without changing the sample (TOOLS menu for Zones)
    • Import/Export Presets (TOOLS menu for preset)
    • Clone whole Channel and whole Zone (TOOLS menu for Channel)
    • Clone all Zone Voltages to another Channel (TOOLS menu for Channel)
    • Added missing Tool Tips
    • Minor UI updates
    • Fixed bug that left Envelope edit handle active when mouse left editor
    • Fixed bug where SAVE button was highlighted, even if Preset data had been reset to the unedited values
    • Fixed bug where Attack and Release were not actually updated if modified with the Graphic Editor